Here are some cool pages on the World Wide Web.

KMFDM interview from 1998.

Don't ya love the IRS?

Wise words from the Illuminati.

Kewl poem by The Radical.

Welcome to the Cow, motherfucker.

You up for a little vandalism?

If you really want to hear about it...

You want to be a Jedi, don't you, you nerd?

You are what you eat, so eat human meat!

Love these guys!

Feed your hate.

Met Jordi on Habbo Hotel and he makes music, so check him out.

My partner in life, death and crime. He's the half of our army of two that can actually code well.

My friend L0BST3RF4C3's website. Click it or die.

And here are links to my online pages.





The StoryGraph


And add me on Habbo Hotel Origins: xxGHoSTxx .